We invite you to read the analysis report on innovation of Creative Learning Environments “CLEAR. Voices of Educators” https://lookingatlearning.net/materials/ . This report is a summary of the voices of European educators on how they see the process of change in their educational settings, and the support they need from all of us to achieve their goals to innovate their practices. The aim of the report is to share and give an insight into the needs of educators in both formal and non-formal education fields, to be able to innovate their practices and to create modern and quality creative learning environments that fit the needs of young people today. A special focus is given to the topic of inclusion within the learning environment.
This analysis report was developed as part of the project CLEAR (Creative Learning Environments, Adapted and Renewed) that was an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership (SP) project, a follow-up of the SP-project called Looking at Learning (L@L). CLEAR project took place from July 2019 to May 2020 as a long-term co-operation on the topic of Creative Learning Environments between Jaunpils Municipality (LV) and three non-governmental organizations: Youth Exchange Service (NL), Associación Promesas
(ES), Cooperativa Stranaidea (IT).
The CLEAR project aimed to bring innovation to existing and new learning environments in both the field of youth work (non-formal education) and of school education (formal education) by exchanging good practices and experimenting on various adaptations. When sharing and discussing these developments, colleague educators from all over Europe shared their interest in innovating their practices, but they also expressed their fears and hesitations in doing so.
During the further development of Creative Learning Environments (CLE’s), the team recognized the educators’ lack of knowledge and understanding about CLE’s and, therefore, saw the need to develop an analysis to understand what exactly the needs of both learners and educators are. The team decided to conduct an analysis and collect relevant data about the innovative transformation of educational settings into creative learning environments. This analysis is a collection of visions, needs and obstacles of learning environments by educators, which are encountered when it comes to innovating their practices and creating contemporary creative learning environments.