The second seminar MORE CLEAR took place in Torino (Italy) from 22-26 of February and it was an opportunity to continue working on the ideas presented in the 1st seminar in Valladolid, MAKE IT CLEAR.

The seminar contained the following elements:

  • recreating the learning community as well as personal & professional connections;
  • sharing outcomes and main Learning from local actions implemented;
  • sharing ideas so as to improve and renew previously developed workshops;
  • sharing links between the CLE and the EU Strategic: Connect, Empower and Engage;
  • reinforcing competence development of educators;
  • creating an action plan to make future cooperation

In total 22 educational professionals from Italy, Spain, Latvia and the Netherlands took part in this seminar: 5 participants from each country and 1 facilitator from the Netherlands and 1 from Spain. The seminar venue was the Foresteria Waldensian House in Torre Pellice, a town about 1h distant from Torino so as to facilitate some outdoors experiences close to nature.

The Seminar started near the italian mountains and after a brief welcome meeting the participants jumped into understanding the objectives of the seminar and what was expected from them for the next few days. 

During the last months they experienced and adapted the shared methods to their local realities and this was the moment to share all the outcomes, feelings, adaptations and thoughts they had during that process. We did it taking advantage of the nature surroundings that helped to understand how the others made use of the methods. 

After some sharing the group concluded in gathering some common learning outcomes of those actions, they presented the way they carried out their adapted activities and explaining why they had made certain adaptations, showing pictures and videos they took and we reflected on what were the best ways to assure the learning in those situations with specific target groups and locations. 

At the end of the first day the job was directed to use all that data to improve and renew the proposed Creative Learning Environments Methods. 

Next day was focused on the approach and the role of the educator of a Creative Learning Environment. This led to very interesting reflections on how to better assist the learners on their process but also to help overcome obstacles for the educators and the system. Since we were a varied group, realities were different but many fears and challenges were common and it was an opportunity to share some advice that worked in the past for others. Participants had the chance to share many of their insights and expertise with small groups created by their interests.

The last day involved some activities to gather all the progress and adaptations in order to make them useful for other educators and the future work and also the possibility to make future action planning within the consortium.